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Energy work and soul work combined in one healing session

in Lengnau near Baden, Aargau

"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."

Lorena Hartel_Heilmedium_in Lengau bei Baden_Aargau.jpg

Hello and welcome!

I am Lorena Hartel, your personal companion on your path to more health and happiness!

As a healer and live coach in my own practice (since 2009) , I help people to identify and solve their complaints, pain or problems at their source, thereby setting the healing process in motion.

For this reason, I allow myself to be guided trustfully by the spiritual world.
The kind of spirit healing that I now offer, also called Psychic Surgery , works on you on a physical, mental and spiritual level at the same time.


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"Liebe heilt alles, wenn der Mensch dazu bereit ist."  Magic Spirits

077 218 21 63

5426 Lengnau near Baden

© 2024 Practice for holistic healing & awareness,

Lorena Hartel (from Qi Balance Practice since 2009)

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